Sunday - January 19
Sunday School 9:45 AM
Worship Service 11:00 AM
Nursery Today: Crystal Wells, Collynn Brewington, Cyndie Falatovich, Becky Straughn, Lydia Hall, and Makalyn Raynor
Nursery Next Sunday: Emily and Aaron Wilson; Kaley and Kaleb Jessup
Stewardship Today: Suzanne Rice and Frankie Brewington
Stewardship Next Sunday: Leslie Wainscott and Jart Hudson
Medical Team Today: Collynn Brewington
Medical Team Member Next Sunday: Lynette Britt
Parking & Greeters Today: Cody Langston and Tony Rackley
Parking & Greeters Next Sunday: Kevin Pope and Tracy Weeks
Security Today: Trent Wainscott and Brent Lewis
Security Wednesday Night: Trent Wainscott and Brent Lewis
Security Next Sunday: Justin Bass and Teresa Hairr
Wednesday, January 22
7:00 PM Adult Bible Study, Kids Hour, and Youth Meet
8:00 PM Adult Choir Practice
Sunday, January 26
11:00 AM Baptist Men's Service
Wednesday, January 29
9:00 AM STARS Go to Charity
7:00 PM Adult Bible Study, Kids Hour, and Youth Meet
Sunday, February 2
12 Noon Spaghetti Fundraiser
Saturday, February 8
6:00 PM "Loving the STARS" Meal
Contribution statements for 2024 are ready and can be picked up at the welcome center after the worship service today.
An oyster roast/fish fry is planned for Friday, February 21. There are 75 oyster tickets ($50 each) and 100 fish tickets ($15 each). If you'd like a ticket, please see Marshall Falatovich or Johnny Cooke.
Baptist Men's Day is Sunday, January 26. A church wide breakfast will be served at 8:30 am. Men helping prepare breakfast are asked to be here by 6 am. Mark Abernathy with the Baptist State Convention will be our guest speaker during the morning worship service.
The Hoppers will be at Lee's Chapel (4948 Plain View Hwy, Dunn 28334) Sunday, January 26, at 6 pm. There is no admission fee but a love offering will be taken up.
The STARS will resume going to Charity to work on Wednesday, January 29.
We will have a spaghetti fundraiser Sunday, February 2, at 12 noon after worship service. Money raised will go toward helping send our kids to camp this summer.
Plans are being made for the STARS to go to the Springtime Jubilee in Myrtle Beach April 28-30. The cost is $289 per room (2 people per room) or $239 per room (3 people per room). If interested, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board by January 26. We have to give the number attending to the conference center by February 1.
The Adults on Mission will be "Loving the STARS" Saturday, February 8. The meal will be at 6 pm with entertainment to follow by Rivenbark Ministries. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board for those who plan to attend. Please sign up as this will help determine how many to prepare for.